Just messing around in the Moleskine at the studio yesterday while I was waiting for canvases to dry. I love opening a magazine and finding the perfect words to add!
Acrylic, colored pencils, blue sharpie ultra fine point, magazine clipping and imagination.
You certainly discovered your wings right here.
Don't you just love when the perfect thing falls in your lap! This is so perfect!
the crow with its deep look... the soft dreamy butterfly... the curved abstract forms of
plants(in Iranian painting we call these Esleemi... they singinfy inner growth and isight)as well as
the composition... the colors...
all talk about something sublime...
if i was not too sleepy, i could write several pages on this fabulous work
i look at the world
fluttering shapes
dance hand in hand
with trailing words
i paint them
Awesome blueness!
Most days I find that I have one wing which sometimes seems worse than none at all...
If you send me your info you can definitely make it to my birthday card list!!
Thanks for all of your comments and your continued support despite my one wingedness.
teri, FY...thank you. I do love playing with this sketchbook!
HB...you amaze me with your poetic comments that seem to flow from your fingertips to the keys. Thank you.
Ammon...I do not see you having only one wing which would have you flailing in a circle. If only I could fly like you!
thanks my dear friend, Lolo
your magnificent work inspired me.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, there's nothing quite like slinging a little paint (et cetera) in one's sketchbook. A fun piece, Laurel. :)
Thanks, Mick! I've been accused of slinging more than paint ;P
I love it when something seems to want to be created!
Wish I had time to doodle in my Moleskine myself. Glad to see you back at it with your crow!
This is wonderful and so appropriate for you HAW to you today also!
I do l o v e your beautiful ravens, you capture them so well, so wise looking, perhaps a little smug with a hint of mischief...
I love this one, it give me hope :-)
he is beautiful. i think crows are the sexiest of all birds.
an amazing crow - love this
Wonderful bird, colors, thoughts, this is great.
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