I keep seeing blogs that show progress in Moleskine sketchbooks, so I thought "Why not?" You won't see anything fantastic here, but it sure is fun to drag out these little guys and fill them with creative exercises that help keep the fingers and mind limber. This is my first scribbling in it just to get it going. Comments are always welcome!
1 comment:
Last week I was in NY visiting the MET and the Society of Illustrators and on some crazy whim I bought a tiny little moleskin. I actually bought the Japanese book because I want to draw one long sketch over time. I completed an assignment similiar to this recently and it was a lot of fun. Anywho, there is something daunting, to me, about starting out in that thing. I think it is becuase the seem so expensive (relative to what I regularly use) and they seem so perfect-classic, timeless cover encasing all of those flawless, slightly toned sheets. Another thing that scares me is the small size. All good for the stretching I guess. Ok, I am sorry for all of that. I really just wanted to say, good luck with the new endeavor and that I very much look forward to seeing how it progresses.
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